Saturday, July 5, 2014

Ok, I get it...

Ok, I get it. Atheists hate things being shoved in their faces. Yup. 
However I find the image below rather hypocritical, and I would like to explain why.....

Firstly, I would like to apologise for the people who call themselves Christians, when they really don't have a clue. The type of Christians with an immature faith, who try to force theology on you, without knowing what they are talking about. I'm sorry. When I was a teenager, I was just like that. I now have a more mature faith, and understand how many people I mislead. Please understand though, that we Christians are sinners, just like everyone else, we need to be forgiven too. 

Secondly I feel like I need to explain that Mormans, and JW's are usually the ones knocking on doors, and giving you pamphlets. Too be honest, although their faith is mixed up, I'm jealous that they have the guts to knock on your door. It isn't easy you know, professing your faith to a complete stranger, not knowing how they will react. So hats up to them for trying. 

Having said this, I still find this image hypocritical. " Athiests, shoving nothing in your face". That is a lie. Athiests are always shoving things in peoples faces. Sure, they don't go knocking on doors, but that is because they don't need to. They teach evolution at school, at universities and collages. These teachers, I believe, are shoving their theory in your face. That, my atheist friends, is your faith. Simply because it is a theory. You have to have faith in this theory to believe it, just as Christians have faith in God. 
Another example: some Athiests like to get into a fight with Christians, before the christian has said anything. Sometimes, all they have to know is that someone is a christian, and they start asking questions, and "proving" that christian wrong. Tell me, how is that not shoving information into faces?

Rant over.

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